Selasa, 19 April 2016

Sea Snails’ Poison As A Remedy For Cancer?

Thanks to a new method of analysis, based on biochemistry and bioinformatics, researchers from the University of Queensland have managed to identify six new proteins that contain surprising facts, which are already used in the manufacture of drugs, according to a study published in Analima, American Academy of Sciences.

Sea snails have one of the strongest venoms in the world. According to Professor Paul Alwood, the structure of this venom can be used in the production of new drugs which can relieve pain and treat cancer and many other serious health conditions.

On the last year`s annual conference of the American Society of Chemists (ASC), Australian scientists stated their findings from a study conducted on another sea snail, named Conidae. This sea snail lives in the Pacific Ocean and contains a powerful protein which has 100 times stronger analgesic effect than morphine.

There are at least 700 known types of sea snails in the worlds.


