Sabtu, 23 April 2016

When You Eat Pork, THIS is What Your Body Undergoes!


We all know that a number of religions forbid pork consumption. But have you ever wondered why? It is because they consider this meat unclean, and they might actually be right. This is also backed up by numerous medical experts.

Pigs are scavengers and they intake all kinds of stuff, from feces to urine, so often, the pork can contain toxins that enter our body through meat consumption and thus influence our health negatively.

According to a research with 200 pigs, a microorganism Yersinia enterocolitica was present in 70% of the pigs tested. What’s more, this microorganism is the main reason behind fever, sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. Additionally, the research showed that minced meat is more dangerous than the meat slices. Other toxins were also found in the meat, such as ractopamine, a medicine which is forbidden in China and Europe because of the fatal consequences that sick people could experience after pork consumption. Moreover, the parasites in this meat attack different centers in the body.

They can cause fever, myalgia, edema, appetite loss, tissue contamination, as well as nausea and weariness. However, cooking pork decreases the amount of parasites and bacteria, but the meat needs to be treated at a specific temperature: ground meat at 71 degrees Celsius, and pork slashes at 62 degrees Celsius.

Trichinella spiralis are parasites found in pork meat. Usually, they are also present in cement and steel grates. The anti-microbes, found in the food pigs eat, keep these parasites alive. If you are not completely certain about the right temperature for cooking it, or how to cook it, avoid consuming pork meat. Instead, choose other healthier meats like fish, chicken or grass-fed beef, or meat substitutes, like soya and mushrooms.

