Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

How To Pick The Perfect Watermelon: 5 Key Tips From An Experienced Farmer

Especially in this time of the year, there is nothing more refreshing and delicious than a cold slice of watermelon.

Yet, not all watermelons on the market are delicious, and it seems that picking the best one is up to chance.

Yet, apparently, you can actually judge the watermelon by its shell, as there are some useful tips on how to choose the right one. An experienced farmer provided 5 pieces of advice on how to spot the perfect watermelon:


Size matters, it is true, but numerous people believe that the bigger the fruit, the better the taste. However, this is not true in most cases, as the reality is that the average-sized watermelons are the best. Hence, always pick the ones that are not too large or too small.

Gender of the watermelon

We believe you weren’t aware of the fact that watermelons actually have genders, which determine numerous differences between the fruit. The ‘boy’ watermelons, for instance, are more watery, while the ‘girl’ ones are sweeter.
In order to recognize them, you should know that the boy watermelons are more elongated and taller, while the opposite ones are stout and more round.

Field Spot

The white spots on the watermelon are completely natural and are also known as field spots. The field spot is the place where the fruit rested on the ground. All watermelons have such spots, but the color of the spot of the best ones is creamy-yellow or orange-yellow. Try to find one with a gold field spot.


The tail of this fruits shows the ripeness, so in order to get the watermelon with the best taste, always buy the one with a dried one. A green tail means that the fruit has been picked too soon, so its taste will not be the best for you.

The webbing of a watermelon shows the number of times that bees touched the flower. Hence, the more signs of pollination, the sweeter the taste of the fruit is.

Source: healthyfoodplans.net

