Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

She Places Pieces of Bananas on Her Face and Later Something Unbelievable is Happening!


You can use banana for different purposes such as health and beauty are. I am sure that you are one of those who after eating the banana throw its peel in garbage. But you have no idea that this part actually, the peel is very nutritious.

Here is a list of the most common uses of banana peel:

Warts – Cut pieces of banana and put them on a patch or tape. Do it every night for about a week. Your warts will be significantly reduced or eliminated.

White teeth – All you need to do is to cut off small piece of banana and then just to rub your teeth with the inside of peel for about a minute.

Cure for acne – Bananas are highly anti- inflammatory agents for acne. So, if you have fresh bite or inflamed pimples or acne, you can take a piece of banana and rub it over the problematic spot or hold it on that area. You will see that the inflammation will be reduced.

Taking care of the skin – Chop pieces of the peel from bananas and place them in a blender. Then add a cup of coconut milk and make a smoothie out of these ingredients which you will use as mask for your face.

Look at more in the video:

