Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Dementia Prevention Coconut Oil Continues Succeeding; Big Pharma Keeps Failing


65 Patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, from mild to moderate degree, were engaged in a clinical trial conducted by The USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute in order to measure the effects of the coconut oil on the disease on the one hand and the effects of the placebo on the other hand..

The brain takes up only  2% of the whole body mass and it contains 25% of the total amount of cholesterol in the body that  plays an important part in the functioning and formation of the synapses in the brain.

Cholesterol is required in every part of the brain due to its antioxidant effects. Moreover,  it acts as a structural scaffold for neural network and it also serves as an electrical insulator (so that  can prevent ion leakage). It is utilized in synaptic delivery and wrapping of all membranes.

The  brain that suffers from Alzheimer’s disease has hard time metabolizing glucose and that is the reason  why sometimes lack of cholesterol may occur.
A study looked at the effects arising from statin , a medication that lowers cholesterol in patients with Alzheimer’s.

Patients had their statin intake stopped for six weeks and then, after those six weeks, they were given this drug again. The effects were fascinating because in the period of these  six weeks without  receiving statin,  patients’ brain functions  were constantly improving .

However, after the patients started using  their drug again, their brain functions became even worse.

Dr Mary Newport, whose husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 51, started giving her husband 4 teaspoons of coconut oil every day.

She was amazed by the coconut oil effects because her husband started reading again, his communication skills were getting better, he could walk normally again, he could tie his shoes  like he did in the past and the best of all: his memory  improved.
Mary said  that not all dementia or Alzheimer’s patients should expect the same results from coconut oil because not all people react the same. In fact,  coconut oil acts best if it is given to patients in the early stages of the disease.

Coconut oil is very rich in ketone energy which  acts as a  substitute energy in the brain. This energy can be gathered by following a  diet rich in fats. Pharmaceutical companies are working on a drug that will  provide the so called  ketone energy to the brain.

However, whatever you do, you shouldn’t  follow diets low in fats and use excessive pharmaceutical drugs because they will only contribute to Alzheimer’s and won’t do you any good.

Currently, every single  scientist will confirm  the fact that there isn’t any drug that can treat or prevent dementia. But feel free to share information from this article with people suffering from Alzheimer’s. At least you will let them know about coconut oil benefits when it comes to dealing with this disease.

Source: and
