Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Gum Diseases Are Silent Killers – Here Is How You Can Heal Them!

The healthy food is a primary weapon for all diseases and also is quite beneficial when it comes to the fight against the gum diseases. Many people in the world suffer from different types of gum diseases and if you treat them right, you will benefit not just for your oral health but you will also improve your overall well- being.

In addition we present some effective ways for improving the health of your gums:

-Oil from tea tree – in case of gum disease this oil is very effective. Apply it directly to the gums. It will cure the gum disease and will reduce the swelling.

-Lemon juice – thanks to its anti- inflammatory properties the lemon juice can help against infections. Also the juice is rich in vitamin C so it will fight against the infections more effectively. Add little salt to the freshly squeezed lemon until you get a paste, brush your teeth with it and rinse.

-Turmeric is one powerful ingredient and relieves inflammation. Make paste by mixing one teaspoon of turmeric powder with honey. apply the paste on your teeth and leave it for 3 minutes to at. Rinse it with water after. Do this every night before bed.

-Coconut oil – it has anti- microbial and anti- inflammatory effects , they will protect your gum from gingivitis. You just need to apply coconut oil on your gums.

-Aloe Vera – if your gums are bleeding and are swollen this natural remedy is very effective. Apply the gel on your gums and leave it for few minutes. You need to repeat this procedure until your situation improves.

-Baking soda – the baking soda is an excellent remedy for treating gum diseases. Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda and little amount of water. With your fingers, apply the paste on your gums. The results are exceptional.

-Oil from garlic – Apply garlic oil on your gums. You will feel little tingling in the start, but you should leave it for at least few minutes to act. Rinse it with water later.

