Rabu, 13 April 2016

How to Cook Rice with Coconut Oil to Burn More Fat and Absorb Half the Calories

The reality with our weight loss is so much more than the old saying “calories in, calories out”.

The fact is that Americans eat too much, which is confirmed by the USDA.

Their statistics show that Americans consume double calories than needed on a daily basis, or about 500 calories more, which is a lot. In other words, 20% more since 1970. No wonder Americans are so overweight.

Sudhair James from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka, found a new method of cooking rice, which is supposed to cut the absorption of calories by 50-60%, which he demonstrated at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

Apparently, he managed to make the rice a resistant starch, able to resist sugar or starch absorption from going into the bloodstream.

Rice, as well as other starches, are very digestible and their conversion to sugar (glucose) in the blood is very fast.

Major part of the starch is stored in the form of glycogen in liver and muscles, while the extra glucose is stored as fat which will lead to obesity and other various health problems.

However, if the starch is resistant it won’t be digested in the small intestines, but it will turn to food for the large intestines’ good microbes.

In this way, the risk of remaining excess glucose in the blood will be reduced, and the colon cells will be healthier.

Resistant starch is also good for natural fat-burning and healthy elimination.

The Secret Ingredient is Coconut Oil

The method of increasing the resistant starch content in rice is quick and simple:

-Dissolve 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in boiling water, stir well, and add half cup of rice.
-Simmer until the rice is nicely cooked, which can be about 40 minutes, or according to researches about 20-25 minutes.
-After this, put it in the fridge and let it stay for 12 hours.

Although this might seem as a leftover, it can be of great help for those with weight or blood sugar problems.

This techniques provides 10 times more resistant starch content than the traditional rice.

How It Functions

As James explains, at the time of the cooking the coconut oil goes into the starch granules, making the sugar resistant to enzymes in the digestive system and preventing it from being decomposed and digested.

The starch is bound to molecules on the outer part of the rice during the 12 hour cooling, resulting in rice sugar to become resistant starch. If you reheat the rice, it won’t have any effects on the resistant starch levels.

There are numbers of other studies conducted with the aim to find out if there is a specific type of rice which can achieve maximum reduction of calories, as well as other types of oils that can show the same effect as the coconut oil.

This might sound perfect for rice-lovers, but be aware that overeating it might disrupt the levels of blood sugar. There are various nutrient-rich foods that can be used as side dishes to meals, such as sweet potatoes, cauliflower, quinoa, squash, leafy green vegetables, barley, and mushrooms.

Source: healthandlovepage.com
