Everyone knows avocados are high in fat, but I wanted to know whether there is evidence that they are bad for you. Would be interested to know what the educated concensus is on this “fruit”. Found the co-evolutionary section interesting.
They are high in monounsaturated fat, which is supposed to be good for you…plus if eaten raw or in guacamole, the fat is unheated and also probably hasn’t been oxidized much… its a great food…
Many are not aware that avocado seed are also an integral part of this super food.
Is it safe to eat avocado seed?
In a study published in 2013 in Scientific World Journal, the researchers concluded that the extract from the avocado seed at doses below 250 mg / kg is safe and shows no toxicity. According to this study, “the seed holds 70% of the total antioxidants of avocados, including polyphenols commonly associated with green tea.” It is also rich in soluble fiber and healthy oils.
It contains potassium which helps normalize blood pressure. Avocados also provides lutein, which controls the oxidative stress and inflammation.
Before we delve into exactly why you should be eating this potential superfood, let’s see how to prepare an avocado seed for consumption. This 60-second video explains the simple process:
Why you shall eat avocado seed:
Last researches from National University of Singapore had tested the seeds of several fruits not eliminating the avocado, mango, tamarind and etc.
Results have shown that the seeds contain around 70 % of the fruits total antioxidant content.
Oxidative stress can cause premature aging of the skin. Antioxidants found in this extract is effective in maintaining skin health and prevent wrinkles. Polyphenols also show the ability to significantly prevent the harmful effects of UV rays and cause apoptosis of tumor cells induced by this radiation.
The oils obtained from seeds of avocado significantly increase the production of collagen. An even greater effect is obtained if the avocados consumed regularly.
These seeds are showing fungicidal and anti-microbial activities. This means that these seeds can boost immune function and protect you from any diseases.
It contains a large amount of fiber who have extremely positive impact on digestion, so it is used for the prevention of cancer. The fruit of the avocado has approximately (4.6 g) of dietary fiber. The recommended dosage is 6-8 grams of soluble fiber. Research have noticed prevention in the development of stomach ulcers.
After normally and healthy answers inflammation, it can get impropriate behavior and persist long after the threat is gone. If this is happening, it is formed under the term chronic inflammation- is believed to be behind issues like asthma, allergies, heart disease, cancer, premature aging and more.
Antioxidants, like those found in avocado seeds, are one of the body’s best weapons against inflammation. These help to quell the inflammatory response and reduce pain and swelling.
From now so on you will know that avocado seeds are very healthy so we are going to give you four awesome easy ways to use avocado seeds for better health:
Blueberry and avocado seed smoothie ( Blend up one cup of almond milk, a half cup of blueberries, a banana, a half teaspoon of vanilla extract, ice and the powder of half an avocado pit)
Super charge your green smoothies( you just need to add avocado to your favorite green smoothie recipe)
Avocado Pit Tea ( You shall mix a tablespoon of the seed powder in a cup of hot water)
Source: healthherbs365.com