Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Pilonidal Disease, Prevention And Treatment

More people suffer from so-called “Sinus” and 90 percent of the patients are men!

In 90% of the diagnosed cases are men, especially those expressed hairiness on the intergluteal groove in the lower back area, above the buttocks. The disease usually occurs firstly during puberty when the growth of hair and sebaceous gland activity is amplified.

Pilonidal disease (“Jeep driver’s disease”) or cyst is a chronic inflammation of the soft tissue above the buttocks crease. It is most commonly manifested as strongly sore festering flashpoint (abscess) which locally is followed by:

-Strong pain,
-Increased body temperature,
-Fever and
-Weak organism in general.

Pilonidal disease can manifest as chronic sinus with one or more holes on the surface of the skin from which festering content continuously flows. Basically, it is a cystic cavity filled with hair, fibrous tissue and inflammatory cells.

Interestingly, there is disagreement on the question whether pilonidal cysts are congenital or acquired. However, the knowledge that they are acquired is commonly accepted because in most cases the cause of festering is irritation of subcutaneous hairs in the deep structure of the seat area with resultant infection.

This can occur due to:

-Long sitting,
-Irregular hygiene,
-expressed hairiness in this area,
-tight and uncomfortable clothing,
-expressed sweating and friction in that area,
-infected lymph nodes,
-damaged hair follicles,
-use of public restrooms,
-weaken immune system,
-allergic reactions,
-stress and improper diet etc.

Pilonidal disease may be first manifested during puberty when there is increased secretion of the glands thus hair growth in this region is stimulated. The disease is more common in men than in women. If left untreated it can become chronic disease that develops gradually and exhausts the body.

Occurrence of pus spots

Pus spots (abscesses) which heavily hurt and create tension in the seat area with redness and swelling may burst on their own, or you can drain them by going through a surgery.

After that the infection subsides, but even if you under little stress, effort or reducing the overall resistance of the organism, the festered abscess will appear again.

Another clinical form is the occurrence of chronic inflammation in the seat area with light swelling and redness and pain that is emphasized in the long seats. One or more sinus openings appear onto the surface of the skin. These openings are constantly draining pus.

The clinical form of the disease is called pilonidal sinus.

The most severe manifestation of pilonidal disease is the occurrence of one or more subcutaneous channels which openings appear on the skin’s surface – in the ditch of buttocks and the seat area. The whole area of the region is painful, inflamed and is constantly festering secretion.

Preventive measures in the initial stage


The application of hot coatings during the initial stages can reduce the growth of infection. The heat effectively increases blood circulation, thus, allowing better function of white blood cells to fight the infection.

Apply warm compresses two or three times a day, depending on the size of inflammation. This way you will be able to easily discharge the pus. After the pus leaks, the area should be washed with antibacterial soap and leave to completely dry. If you do not want to have an open wound you should put a bandage.

Turmeric paste

Turmeric has many medicinal properties. The paste is made from bigger part of turmeric powder, and mixed with a little bitter salt (magnesium sulphate), honey, castor oil and iodine.

Apply this paste on the sinus regularly until the pus from it is drained.

Yellow root (Hydrastis canadensis)

Powdered yellow root is mixed with a little water in order to get a paste. Apply this paste several times during the day.


Drink at least 8-10 cups of water in order to allow the body easier to eject toxins and reduce infection.


Onions has the best antiseptic properties compared to other vegetables. It helps in speeding up the healing process. All you have to do is cut the onions into thick slices and place on the inflamed area. Cover with a towel and the change the onions coatings on every 2-3 hours!

Note: Never try to pierce the sinus on your own because you may worsen the whole situation and increase the intensity of infection.

Surgical treatment and surgery

During the preoperative preparation for the examination, the acute infection subsides with antibiotics or local cleaning of pus, which is made with an incision of the skin.

The other described types can be operated immediately. The surgery is performed in local anesthesia emphasized, meaning that the patient is in an easy sleep and does not feel any kind of pain. The whole seat area, which is busy with pilonidal disease, needs to be fully removed in both width and depth.

The wound is then covered by a healthy tissue consisted of fat and skin. The tissue is then moved locally covering the defect in the seat area. The wound is then stitched and taken care of.

Postoperative care includes frequent bandaging and hygiene of the seat area. After ten days the stitches are removed which completes the surgical part of the treatment. Next step is the operative scar treatment with specific fats or creams for faster healing and fading.


