Senin, 11 April 2016

Take This Mix on an Empty Stomach for a Week and Forget About Any Immune Problem

It might seem like an odd combination, but a mixture of honey and garlic can improve your health in many ways. Taking a mix of honey and garlic on an empty stomach every day for seven days can improve your immune system, detoxify your body, and even control stress! If you have a cold or allergies, this substance will alleviate your symptoms and even help you get better faster.

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic has been used to flavor food for thousands of years. Ancient people used it as a medicine as well. An article in the Journal of Nutrition states that an ancient Greek physician by the name of Hippocrates prescribed garlic for a variety of ailments. He noted that garlic could cure respiratory problems, kill internal parasites, and banish fatigue. A recent article from the University of Maryland reported that garlic actually killed roundworms in test tubes. A study called the “Iowa Women’s Health Study” noted that women who ate garlic regulatory had a lower risk of getting colon cancer. Another study titled Preventing the Common Cold with a Garlic Supplement: a Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Survey” found that those who ingested garlic reduced the symptoms of the common cold by up to seventy percent.

Benefits of Honey

A study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine found that the honey is an excellent way to heal wounds. Findings showed that honey is as antibacterial as hydrogen peroxide, keeps a wound moist, and acts as a barrier. Honey is also gaining ground in traditional medicine for treatment of stomach ulcers and burns. Honey has even been proven to heal deep surgical wounds more quickly than if honey had not been used over the wound. Honey has the same antibacterial properties if ingested, and may be able to speed recovery of minor illnesses.

Benefits of Garlic and Honey Combined

Ingesting this mixture for seven days may be the right treatment for an existing condition if you and your doctor agree that little to no harm will come of it. The drink can improve immune function and may detoxify your body even if you are not sick. Honey and garlic taken together may have many benefits to you.

The sulfur in garlic may help lower heart disease risk and prevent some cancers. Honey can kill the H. pylori bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. A garlic and honey mixture may also help or cure the following ailments as well:

-Weakened immune function
-Lowered libido
-Bacterial blood infections
-Pressure Sores


Please note that if you choose to ingest garlic and honey on an empty stomach for seven days, you should first contact a healthcare professional. He or she will help you decide if this is the right treatment for you. Do not give garlic supplements to children. Little research has been done to ascertain the correct dosage for children. Be aware that high concentrations of garlic can weaken the effect of birth control pills.


Honey and garlic both contain compounds that can improve immune function and lessen the symptoms of many ailments. If you drink a mixture of honey and garlic on an empty stomach for seven days, you may notice excellent results.

Would you like to learn how to make a drink from honey and garlic? You will learn how to make the garlic and honey mixture in the following video from Ani5972. You will need three to four heads of garlic, a cup of raw honey, and a jar. The video goes through the step-by-step process and even entertains viewers with some fun music. More information about the mixture will be revealed by watching! The video promises that if this medicine is right for you, you are sure to be pleasantly surprised by the results.

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