Jumat, 15 April 2016

This Recipe From Garlic Will Iron Out Your Wrinkles For 7 Days

Many women are spending much money on various cosmetic products which are usually not much effective, not knowing that in the kitchen they already have perfect anti- wrinkle serum. It is about garlic. We all know that garlic is good for health and that is a potent antioxidant and natural antibiotic but, did you now that it also smoothes the wrinkles?


-1 clove of garlic
-1 teaspoon of honey
-1 tablespoon clay powder which can be purchased in any store or pharmacy


Remove the peel from the clove of garlic, crush it well and add the honey and the clay powder. Mix all ingredients and the mask is ready for application on the face.

Apply the mask on clean face, leave it on for around half an hour and then wash it with lukewarm water. Also, you can leave it to act overnight so in the morning when you get up be free to wash your face. If you choose the second option, remember to put on the pillow old pillowcase.

