Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

How To Cure Naturally An Eye Infection In 24 Hours With Salt Water..

The man named Wayne Goss is re-living his struggle with eye infections. He battled with his chalazion cysts under his upper eyelids for 2 years before he found cure.

A chalazion cyst is a bump in the eyelid caused by an inflamed gland. It causes pressure on the eye, redness, and irritation. A common way to remove these cysts is through a procedure in which a surgeon turns the eyelid inside out, then makes a small incision in the eyelid. The chalazion is pulled out of this incision. The surgeon then places pressure on the cut to stop it from bleeding, and the eye is bandaged.

Goss, which was suffering from this condition decided to try one natural remedy. He boiled water, added enough salt and healed his eye without burning sensation. First, he left the water to cool, and later filled an eye cup with the water.

Goss explains that he held the water to his eye with the eye cup for one full minute, then repeated the procedure several times during the day. Within 24 hours, his eye was no longer irritated and the chalazion had diminished. In the video, he explains why this cure seems to work so well and advocates for proper eyelid hygiene.

More Natural Remedies for Eye Infections

Chalazion cysts are not the only kind of eye infection that could harm your vision. Other types of eye infections such as styes, pink eye can cause pain and irritation to the eye.

Professional help is really the best solution in cases like this but, also the home remedies can help you and even completely destroy the infection. Natural and always available these ingredients can be much of a help.

You must remember that you need to remove all excess dirt and bacteria that is accumulating from your eye before you start treating the eye infection. Clean it by using a cotton swab which you previously dipped into warm water.

Hot Compress

If you want to remove a stye, best home solution for it is the use of hot compress. Take a cloth, soak it into warm water and wrung out, apply it to your eye for at least 3 to 4 times daily. Also by this you will increase the circulation and you will drain out the stye.

How to use it:

Use clean towel or swab, dip it into warm water and wring it out to remove the excess water.
Close your eyes and apply it for 5 minutes. Repeat this for a couple of times.
Do it 3 to 4 times daily.
Salt water

Salt Water
Above they mention the remedy of boiled salt water which has proven to be effective. For this remedy, boil a pot of water with salt and dip cotton swabs into it.

How to use it:

Put into a pot of water one teaspoon of salt.
Stir the solution until it dissolves.
Leave it to boil and later leave it to cool.
Rinse your infected eye with it.
Do this 3 to 4 times daily.
Raw honey

Antibacterial properties are present into raw honey and due to them it is perfect natural remedy for infections of the eye.

How to use:

Mix together equal amounts of honey and distilled water.
Apply the mixture directly into the eye by using cotton ball.
Do this 2-3 times daily.

