Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Read How Miraculous Lanzones You Keep The Doctor Away!

I have been a journalist for quite a long period of time, whose articles were connected with nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Also, I am an eternal advocate for healthy eating habits and in the recent months I dedicated to exotic fruit research. The reason being the following: the exotic fruit from exotic countries is more and more available on the market, but people’s awareness of its tremendous benefits is fading away. My point is to encourage you to consume more exotic fruit, as it is 100% available on the open markets. This eating habit will lower the risk of the ominous illnesses nowadays.

For that particular reason, I believe you are eager to find out more about the health benefits of the exotic fruits. I am eager to share some results I gathered from my research about lanzones. If by now you were wondering what that is, keep reading this thorough description about lanzones health benefits.

Lanzones may not be popular to the extent they deserve to be, but, as I mentioned they do exist on our open markets. This fruit is a simple way to better your overall health. Lanzones fruit is also known as Lansium domesticum, langsat or buahluku that come from Mahogany family typical of Southeast Asia and Southern India.

When it comes to their look, lanzones fruit grow in clusters similarly like the grapes with small oval, round or elliptical shape that have yellow or light brown colour, just like potatoes. All of its parts are useful for various treatment, for example, the bark of the tree, the flat, bitter seeds and also their peel.

Mainly, they are grown because of the fruit with juicy, exotic taste. People who cultivate this fruit in Thailand or the Philippines often make lanzones syrup to preserve this amazing taste over the year. Also, they can be cooked, however, they are best to be eaten raw.

Here are some of the super benefits of the lanzones:

Get the daily recommended intake of fiber

A diet rich in fiber lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and it also relieves the symptoms of constipation, bloating, and stomach pains. Consider that a handful of lanzones contains 2g of fiber, meaning that you will meet 6% of the daily recommended intake of fiber for men and 8% for women.

Protect yourself from bloating, swelling and acute stomach spasms

Considering the fiber amounts in lanzones, the resin in the tree bark of the lanzones fruit also is used against bloating, swelling and acute abdominal pains.  Bark resin is used for flatulence and gastrointestinal colic because of its anti-inflammatory elements.

Lanzones contain antioxidants in abundance

Antioxidants are the main ingredients of this fruit, such as carotene and polyphenols. The fight against the free radicals never stops, but with regular consumption of any of the lanzones products you significantly contribute to the cell protection of mutilation. To have a body at its best we need to get rid of the free radicals that cause many catastrophic ailments.

Reward your body with riboflavin

Riboflavin or B2 vitamin helps the process of turning carbohydrates into usable energy. This is really useful during training or strict diets in order to prevent fatigue. By eating 100g of we satisfy the necessity of daily vitamin B2 consumption up to 8% for both men and women. Vitamin B2 is essential in treating disorder of the nervous system.

Reward your body with thiamine

Vitamin B1 is found in these miraculous lanzones fruit in abundance. Vitamin B1 promotes the health of the nervous system and the heart system just like the riboflavin. Thiamine will make you more endurable to stress situations. In general, the thiamine in the lanzones supports the tissues of the body, such is the brain and it improves its functions as well.

Reward your body with A vitamin

The vitamin A found in the lanzones has many antioxidant properties and it contributes to the health of our whole body, but by regular intake of vitamin A, the positive results are obvious when it comes to our bones building, improving our eye vision in dark places, our nerves function, but also has an impact on our skin in a way that it makes it cleaner and shinier, then our teeth and healthy hair and nails.

Deworming and ulcer treatment by the help of lanzones

For all those suffering from acute ulcers, here is a potential solution. The lanzones fruit seeds are not edible. They are flat and bitter, but the secret of deworming and treating ulcers lies in these seeds. To prepare the remedy you need to pound and mix the lanzones seeds.

Dysentery and malaria remedy

The bark of the lanzones trees is highly usable as a remedy for dysentery and malaria. This is a traditional remedy. You can also cure scorpion stings with powdered bark.

Lanzones peel prevent diarrhea

The peel of the lanzones stops the symptoms of the diarrhea and stops the bowels pain very effectively.

Lanzones fruit is a powerful antipyretic

Тhe lanzones fruit is highly effective remedy for high temperature.

Always dare to try new things, you may find something you really enjoy. This time I challenge you to buy some lanzones. Enjoy!

Source: losingweightdone.com
