Senin, 19 September 2016

A Month After Eating Two Bananas A Day: The Effect Will Leave You Breathless!

Modern society has left a little time for people to take care of their health, and probably due to this, they choose to consume unhealthy food, fast food instead of preparing a healthy meal or to consume fresh and raw fruits and vegetables.

It is unclear to nutritionists why people from the Western populations are consuming unhealthy foods when they can freely afford the use of natural foods, which are rich in the needed nutrients.

Bananas are incredibly nutritious and tasty fruits and they are abundant in important nutrients for the body.

Hence, nutritionists claim that the consumption of two bananas daily may provide innumerate health benefits, including:

-Bananas are abundant in iron, so they will suffice the needed amounts of this substance. Iron will stimulate the production of blood cells and hemoglobin, which is extremely important in the case of anemia.

-- Bananas will increase your energy levels. Therefore, it is advisable to eat a banana as a snack before a workout.

--Treat coughs and sore throat

-Bananas can also help in the case of bad mood and depression. Tryptophan is vital for our body, as the body turns it into serotonin, which is the happiness hormone.

-Pregnant women should eat bananas in order to go through the pregnancy easier and smoother. Bananas raise the blood sugar levels, which is beneficial in the case of morning sickness during pregnancy. Hence, the consumption of bananas during pregnancy will help future mothers to go through it easily.

-Bananas contain low sodium amounts, but high potassium amounts, which makes them incredible for regulating your blood pressure, and enhancing your heart health. Research has shown that their consumption reduces the risk of heart attack by 40%.

-These fruits are extremely effective in the case of heartburn, as they are high in antacid, which successfully normalizes this condition.

-Potassium in bananas enhances the function of the brain and improves memory. According to scientists, students who eat a banana for breakfast or snack have higher concentration levels than those who do not have this habit.

-- Bananas are abundant in fiber and alleviate intestine issues easily. Therefore, eat a few bananas if you suffer from some digestive issue such as constipation.


Other included links: -- Original Article Source
