Selasa, 19 April 2016

Drink That Even The Pharmaceutical Products Can Envy! Natural Solution For Inflamed Sinuses

The inflammation of the sinuses is accompanied with nasal congestion and wheezing, often with tachycardia and headache which is regular occurrence and this can be irritating.

In folk medicine there are many solutions to alleviate the symptoms of inflamed sinuses and one of the most effective of them is the apple acid.

The apple acid is the greatest enemy of multiplication of bacteria and all thanks to the potassium that it contains.

In addition we present the recipe that is simple and quick to prepare.


-250ml of distilled water
-1 tablespoon of honey
-2 tablespoons of organic apple acid
-Half teaspoon of ground chili pepper


Mix the apple acid with water, add honey, shake it well and leave it overnight.

Way of consumption:

In the morning, 15 minutes before breakfast stir the content and drink the juice. After this drink you will feel incredible relief and perhaps the inflamed sinuses will completely soothe. It is worth a try!


