Senin, 18 April 2016

Grape Seed Extract Superior To Anti-Diabetes Drug In Recent Study

Your anti-diabetes prescribed drug can end up in your bin now!

What’s the name of the game here?

The Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling published a study that makes you put your spotlight on grape seed extract instead of on a lab-created drug. Researchers tested the effects of the popular diabetes drug (metformin- MET) and compared them with the effects of grape seed extract on rats inclined to insulin resistance.

What they found is the most popular buzz now: Grape seed extract is superior to this commonly used anti-diabetes drug!

Let me tell you a word or two about diabetes that is insulin resistance:
Insulin resistance is a physical condition where the body fails to react to the hormone insulin-released in the human body to manage blood sugar levels. When this failure happens, the pancreas, in response, creates more insulin, thus multiplying the problem and inevitably leading to the diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes.

And if you are curious about the way in which the study was conducted, here is what I know:

In the study, rats were fed with food high in fat and high in sugar i.e. a diet specifically designed to encourage insulin resistance. While the results indicated that both MET and grape seed extract reduced high blood sugar levels and elevated insulin in blood, the grape seed extract was superior in one specific way.

The odd thing about metformin is that it’s a synthetic drug whose “mechanism of action is unknown”. Yes, it means scientists know it works, but just aren’t sure how!? What seems sure is that the drug is toxic to the cardiovascular system. It has already been linked to increased death by cardiac events in several studies. Grape seed extract, on the other hand, poses no such risks!

These researchers say: “Clearly, the weight of evidence suggests that grape seed proanthrocyanins hold great promise as a metformin alternative and/or anti-diabetic agent.”
I say: After this knowledgeable statement, diabetes patients please give more credit to the grape seed extract than to your prescribed drug. After all, your health is at stake!

And for those of you who want to go more knowledgeable about proanthrocyanins here is a definition:
Proanthocyanidins are a class of polyphenols found in a variety of plants. Chemically, they are oligomeric flavonoids. Many are oligomers of catechin and epicatechin and their gallic acid esters. More complex polyphenols, having the same polymeric building block, form the group of tannins.

And there’s another point to be made tonight: The law still forbids the medicinal use of natural substances!

Lacking the $800 million plus required on average to fund the clinical trials necessary to file for FDA drug approval, health consumers are left almost entirely without guidance from conventional medical practitioners. Practitioners lose their FDA-underwritten liability shield when they deviate from the drug-based standard of care, so they keep silent.  Folks, are you convinced now?

But, that’s not all folks. Grape seed extract deserves our reverence also because its health benefits aren’t limited to diabetes.

Just a month ago, there was a study from the University of Colorado Cancer Center which found grape seed extract to prohibit cancer call growth while supporting cancer cell death. Most noteworthy is that it required less than half the concentration of grape seed extract to suppress cell growth and kill 50% of stage IV cancer cells than it did to achieve similar results in the stage II cells.

Bottom line: As long as this system of capitalist interests values synthetic drugs more than nature’s superior grape seeds, we will be let down as patients.


