Senin, 18 April 2016

This Juicing-Method Removes Excess Water, Fat and All Toxins From the Body in Just 3 Days!

Smoking, drinking and eating processed foods on a regular basis cause toxins and waste to accumulate in your body and harm to your organs. You do not have live with the damage constantly while it may be hard to avoid them. One of the best, fast and most effective ways to gain necessary nutrients and detoxify the body is juicing.

What is Juicing?

It means boosting your nutritional value and detoxification of your body at the same time. If you flush you body with a lot of necessary nutrients that is not used to absorbing, they will remove the toxins being absorbed there. This process is consisted of fresh veggies and fruits to create drinks that you consume in place of meals.

Your digestive system is put on hold when you begin juicing, because you won’t consume fiber to be digested. The body will be subjected to ton of beneficial nutrients that will be better absorbed into the system.

Juicing is also powerful method if you want to get rid of the excess pounds. It is different for every individual. Some people are able to juicing for up to one month, some for a day and some few times a day. In order to avoid the consequences of detoxifying too quickly, you should try juicing gradually.

Juicing Ingredients:

Make broccoli, kale, spinach and bananas regular part of your juices. The large amounts of potassium in these products reduce the risk for stroke and lower blood pressure. The flowing products are other essential ingredients:

-Tomatoes – rich in powerful antioxidants – lycopene, iron, zinc, Vitamins A, B, C and K.

-Lemons – great source of beta-carotene an Vitamin C

-Blueberries – they protect brain cells to slow cognitive functions and are full of Vitamin C.

How To Start Cleaning

Keep your body hydrated before you start juicing by consuming 8 glasses of water. Make sure to avoid red meat, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, alcohol and any other bad food from your nutrition. You can resist carvings during this process by consuming fresh organic fruits and veggies.

Dairy products can affect the Gl tract’s ability to cleanse and slow to be digested so eliminate dairy products two days before starting.

Drink a cup of herbal laxative tea the night before you start. This will prevent constipation and clean your intestines. You also have to prepare your mind aside from your body.


You should choose to consume during the process soaked nuts, seeds, organic fruits and veggies and other raw foods. You should start each day by drinking half cup of water and freshly squeezed lemon juice from 2 lemons. Consuming it before breakfast will alkalize your body.

In increments of 2 hours, consume six juices per day and limit it to only light activity if you exercise.  Performing yoga, stretching and walking are mild enough where your body will be able to adjust to its energy levels.


You should return to consuming solid foods again after your cleanse. Add organic fruits and green veggies with a lots of water the first day after your cleanse. Yogurt, eggs, brown rice and nuts can be added the second day. You can start consuming meat, fish and organic chicken between the third and fifth day. However, do not engage in strenuous activity right after your cleanse.

Daily Juicing Program

Breakfast: freshly squeezed juice of 1 inch chunk of ginger, 2 apples and 3 carrots.

Mid Morning: another chunk of ginger, half a lemon, 2 apples, 4 stalks of celery and 8 leaves of kale are the ingredients for this juice. Kale is extremely rich in potassium – all the studies have shown that people who intake more potassium have lower risk for stroke and blood pressure than people who do not intake potassium.

Lunch: juice 1 lime, 1 red bell pepper, 1 cucumber, 2 stalks of celery, 2 cups of parsley and 4 plums.

Afternoon: 1 cucumber, 6 clementines, 8 leaves of Swiss chard and 8 leaves of kale are contained in this juice.

Dinner: ¼ cupof blueberries,1 carrot, 1 sweet potato, 2 apples, 2 red beets are the ingredients for the last juice.

Take up your decision to start juicing like any practice involving your body. This experience will help you build better eating habits and detox your body as well.

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!


